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Pariwisata Di Malang


In malang you can enjoy a lot of tourism object
1. Wisata Sengkaling
Nature tourism in the intervention baiak with a swimming pool for adults and for children, in addition to the many entertainment areas in it.
2. Wana Wisata Cuba Rondo
This place is right for you that once buah2 direct quotes from the tree and directly in the food. Shopping is located in the town of Batu cool
3. Agrowisata Batu
Ini tempat yang cocok untuk anda yang pengen sekali memetik buah2 langsung dari pohonnya dan langsung di makan. Tempat wisata ini terletak di kota Batu yang sejuk.
4. Jatim Park Malang
Attractions are also in the Stone, presents a combination of miniature archipelago, Science & Technology, and many more tours (like the World Fantasy Jakarta)


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